Audio Messages

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Exploring God's Sovereignty
Sun, Jan 07, 2024 | Nigel Symons
In this message we explore 7 points of God's Sovereignty, what it means in our own lives.
Exploring the Holy Spirit
Ephesians 6:10-18 | Sun, Jul 28, 2024 | Nigel Symons

In this message we talk about the Holy Spirit and His role in our lives. We explore how the Holy Spirit helps us grow and keep our lives together if we will allow Him.

Exploring the Life and Legacy of Jesus
Colossians 1:15-23 | Sun, Apr 14, 2024 | Nigel Symons

In this message we take some time to understand, who is this Jesus that we serve and follow. We take a trip covering thousands of years and a lot of scripture looking at the life and legacy of Jesus Christ throughout the New Testament and Old Testament.

Adding God's Strength to our resolutions
1 Samuel 2:18-21 | Sun, Jan 01, 2023 | Jason Magafas

When you make your new year resolutions for this year, consider the "why". Why are you setting that specific goal. If your why does not include God in it, then according to studies, 91% of you will fail in those new years resolution. In this message, Jason delves into God's word and looks at how adding God to our new year resolutions can help us reach those goals.

Disciple Making - The pathway to Greatness
2 Timothy 2:1-10 | Sun, Mar 02, 2025 | Pastor Ken Schultz

This message emphasizes that true greatness in God's kingdom is achieved through disciple-making. Using 2 Timothy 2:1-10, the message highlights Paul's mentorship of Timothy as an example of how believers should invest in others to multiply disciples. The pathway to greatness is not about personal achievement but about surrendering to Christ, enduring hardships, and faithfully passing on the Gospel to future generations.

Ephesians 6:5-9 | Sun, Jan 19, 2025 | Nigel Symons

This message is part of our series: Who God Says you are. This series looks at who God says we are in the book of Ephesians. This message focuses on Ephesians 6:5-9, emphasizing that our value is determined by God, not by our status or position. It encourages believers to serve with sincerity and dedication, knowing that their work is ultimately for the Lord.

Ephesians 5:11-8 | Sun, Dec 01, 2024 | Nigel Symons

This is part of our series titled: Who God says you are. In this series we look at Ephesians to see who God sees you are as opposed to who the world says you are. God says we are the light of the world, in this message discover what that means in terms of how we are suppose to live.

Light up your heart
1 Kings 18:20-39 | Sun, Jun 02, 2024 | Jason Magafas

In this message we look at Elijah and how he demonstrates unwavering faith and obedience to God's instructions and boldness in challenging the prohpets of Baal, and how we can apply this in our own lives.

You Are Accepted
Genesis 3:1-21 | Sun, Oct 15, 2023 | Jason Magafas

God’s acceptance of us is different from God’s approval of our actions. God chooses to accept us as His children while he still allows the consequences of our sinful behavior.

Rejoice with the seeking Father
Luke 15:1-32 | Sun, Feb 26, 2023 | Jason Magafas

The Parable of the Prodigal Son reminds us of God's relentless pursuit of our hearts. It teaches us about the extravagant love, grace, and mercy that our Heavenly Father lavishes upon us. The rejoicing that is in this chapter can be lived day by day. We are called to rejoice with Him when lost souls are found.

The Christmas Dream
Matthew 1:18-25 | Sun, Dec 11, 2022 | Jason Magafas

God has a dream for all of us. He engrained this dream in world history from 5BC with the birth of his Son and that is what the Christmas story is all about. In this message, Jason looks at the birth of Jesus and what this dream was that God had for all of us.