Audio Messages

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Ground Breaking Jesus
Mark 4:1-20 | Mon, Mar 31, 2008 | Pastor Ken Schultz
Jesus’ teaching is ground breaking. Often we think of ground breaking ideas as something new, but things that are truly ground breaking are things that bring change that is so dramatic that everything is new. Jesus is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow. Yet when he and his teachings penetrate the depths of our hearts, everything is made new.
Ground Breaking Jesus "Seeds of Conflict"
Matthew 18:1-35 | Mon, Apr 07, 2008 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Jesus teaches his disciples about humility and conflict resolutions within the family of God. Jesus also teaches about how we should display the Godly character of forgiveness in our lives towards those that have hurt us. Being unforgiving hardens our hearts, but through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross we can learn how to forgive others.

Jesus delivers us from Oppression
Exodus 1-3 | Sun, Mar 10, 2013 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Jesus sees our suffering, He hears our cryies, knows our pain, and comes down to lead us from oppression into new life.

Jesus Delivers Us From Our Sin
Genesis 39 | Sun, Feb 24, 2013 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Our sin and the sin of others creates much distruction in our lives. Jesus Delivers us from our sin and gives us strategies to life peaceful and productive lives.

Is Jesus Enough?
Matthew 7:13-14 | Sun, Oct 14, 2012 | Pastor Ken Schultz

What road are you traveling on? Jesus says there are two ways one leads to death and the other leads to life.

No Junk For Jesus
Matthew 26:6-15 | Sun, Jan 03, 2010 | Pastor Ken Schultz

In this week’s message "No Junk for Jesus," Pastor Ken encourages the Church to give the best themselves to God in 2010. We are to pour out our lives for the one who poured our His life for us. That worshiping at Jesus feet is our primary Joy and what gives us the strength to Love our neighbors.

Unwrapping Baby Jesus
Isaiah 9:6-7 | Sun, Dec 19, 2021 | Pastor Ken Schultz

God’s word is full of rules or commands which are boundaries meant to protect our lives and relationships. They are there to protect our relationship with God and our relationship with each other. God did not need to break the rules and He did not need use His authority of Lord over and control others, instead He served and loved people with His authority.

Rethinking Greatness
Luke 22:24-30 | Sun, Feb 23, 2025 | Pastor Ken Schultz

The world defines greatness through power, status, and personal achievement, but Jesus flips this concept by demonstrating that true greatness is found in servanthood and humility.

For You
Luke 22:16-23 | Sun, Feb 16, 2025 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Through the Last Supper, Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper as a reminder of His sacrifice, reinforcing that God’s love and salvation are available to all.

Passing over betrayal
Luke 22:1-6 | Sun, Feb 09, 2025 | Pastor Ken Schultz

This study explores the theme of betrayal. Betrayal is inevitable in life, often coming from those closest to us, but how we respond to it determines our spiritual well-being. Jesus exemplifies that forgiveness, rather than bitterness, leads to freedom, allowing us to trust in God rather than be enslaved by the fear of man.

The Light of Creation
John 1:1-4 | Sun, Dec 08, 2024 | Pastor Ken Schultz

This is the first message in our Christmas series titled: The true Light of Christmas where we explore the message of John in Chapter 1. In this message, The Light of Creation, we explore John 1:1-4, where Jesus is revealed as the Logos—the eternal Word of God who created and sustains the universe.