Audio Messages

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Made To Be Good
Luke 14:1-5 | Sun, Oct 16, 2022 | Pastor Ken Schultz
Do you realize you were made to be good? Often in in church, we talk about the fall of man or our sinful nature. The truth is we sin, every one of us, according to the bible. We all depart from God’s perfect design. The bible does not start on the depravity of man it starts with man’s and woman's design of good. We were made in God’s image and the bible says God is truly the only good thing!
Good Portion
Luke 10:38-42 | Sun, Nov 07, 2021 | Pastor Ken Schultz

We all have a story and can learn from our sin. Things in life will change, but one thing that will always remain is God's love for us and that is something to celebrate forever.

Do You Follow Good or Best?
Luke 9:23-27 | Sun, Aug 15, 2021 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Those who follow Jesus will see a man that trades every bit of his life to redeem our sinful souls and save us out of love. He gave it all to show His father's love to the world.

Got Salt?
Luke 14:34-35 | Sun, Nov 27, 2022 | Pastor Ken Schultz

To be His disciple, Jesus is asking us the question: Got Salt? Do we have salt? Salt is Good. It takes away bitterness, it enhances the sweet things we eat and preserves our food. As disciples of Jesus we need to be salt in this world, this message looks deeper into what this means.

Triumph through Trials
Luke 22:31-38 | Sun, Mar 09, 2025 | Pastor Ken Schultz

This message emphasizes that trials are an inevitable part of the Christian life, but through Christ, we can triumph over them. By placing our confidence in Christ rather than ourselves, we find peace, endurance, and purpose in our suffering.

Rethinking Greatness
Luke 22:24-30 | Sun, Feb 23, 2025 | Pastor Ken Schultz

The world defines greatness through power, status, and personal achievement, but Jesus flips this concept by demonstrating that true greatness is found in servanthood and humility.

For You
Luke 22:16-23 | Sun, Feb 16, 2025 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Through the Last Supper, Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper as a reminder of His sacrifice, reinforcing that God’s love and salvation are available to all.

Passing over betrayal
Luke 22:1-6 | Sun, Feb 09, 2025 | Pastor Ken Schultz

This study explores the theme of betrayal. Betrayal is inevitable in life, often coming from those closest to us, but how we respond to it determines our spiritual well-being. Jesus exemplifies that forgiveness, rather than bitterness, leads to freedom, allowing us to trust in God rather than be enslaved by the fear of man.

Rooted in Hope
Luke 21:29-38 | Sun, Jul 21, 2024 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Broken Cistern
Luke 21:20-28 | Sun, Jul 07, 2024 | Pastor Ken Schultz

This message on Luke 21:20-28 where Jesus foretells the destruction of Jerusalem is inspired by the words of Jeremiah where he prophesizes to the people about the coming destruction they are about to face because they are not listening to God.

Not a hair
Luke 21:10-19 | Sun, Jun 30, 2024 | Pastor Ken Schultz

God makes a promise to his people in Jesus words that ultimately we will be protected. Not a hair on our head will perish. But that does not mean that there will not be hard times for his people. In this message we look at the context of Jesus words and what it means for us today.