Audio Messages

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Overcome doubt and fear in life's storms
Matthew 14:22-34 | Sun, Nov 26, 2023 | Abdo Ali
We all go through storms in our life, but keeping our focus on Jesus though these storms can help us navigate through the fears and doubts that comes with those storms.
Desperation and Deliverance
2 Kings 7:3-10 | Sun, Jul 14, 2024 | Abdo Ali

The Lion and the Lamb
John 13:3-5 | Sun, Jun 04, 2023 | Abdo Ali

Everybody loves baby Jesus, and everybody loves Jesus as the suffering servant savior, but there is a whole other side to Jesus that we may not talk about enough. We may feel Jesus love and compassion, but some will also feel His wrath if they continue to reject Him. In this message, we explore the fascinating and profound symbolism of Jesus as both the Lion and the Lamb. These two images capture different aspects of His nature and reveal the depth of His character. Through understanding Jesus as the Lion and the Lamb, we can gain insights into His power, authority, and sacrificial love.

Exploring the Life and Legacy of Jesus
Colossians 1:15-23 | Sun, Apr 14, 2024 | Nigel Symons

In this message we take some time to understand, who is this Jesus that we serve and follow. We take a trip covering thousands of years and a lot of scripture looking at the life and legacy of Jesus Christ throughout the New Testament and Old Testament.

Scaling Mount Forgiveness
Matthew 18:7 | Sun, Mar 13, 2022 | Joshua Amara

Hear guest preacher, Joshua Amara's personal testimony of faith and living life with forgiveness.

A Celebration Of Disciplines
Psalm 1:1-9 | Sun, Mar 01, 2020 | Michael Demetrakis

In today's message we learn about 12 disciplines to help us grow stronger in our faith so that we can have more joy, freedom from fear, and fruitfulness.

Disciple Making - The pathway to Greatness
2 Timothy 2:1-10 | Sun, Mar 02, 2025 | Pastor Ken Schultz

This message emphasizes that true greatness in God's kingdom is achieved through disciple-making. Using 2 Timothy 2:1-10, the message highlights Paul's mentorship of Timothy as an example of how believers should invest in others to multiply disciples. The pathway to greatness is not about personal achievement but about surrendering to Christ, enduring hardships, and faithfully passing on the Gospel to future generations.

Ephesians 6:1-4 | Sun, Jan 12, 2025 | Abdo Ali

This message is part of our series, Who God Says we are, where we look at the book of Ephesians to see who God says we are. The focus of this message is on Family and Ephesians 6:1–4, emphasizing the importance of children honoring and obeying their parents and the mutual responsibility of parents to raise their children in the training and instruction of the Lord.

Beloved Children
Ephesians 5:1-10 | Sun, Nov 17, 2024 | Abdo Ali

The message, titled "Beloved Children," focuses on our identity as dearly loved children of God and the transformative power of living in that truth. Drawing from Ephesians 5:1-10, it emphasizes that being "beloved" means being cherished, valued, and adored—not because of our performance but because of God's grace.

Heavenly Citizen
Ephesians 2:18-22 | Sun, Oct 13, 2024 | Abdo Ali

Exploring the Holy Spirit
Ephesians 6:10-18 | Sun, Jul 28, 2024 | Nigel Symons

In this message we talk about the Holy Spirit and His role in our lives. We explore how the Holy Spirit helps us grow and keep our lives together if we will allow Him.