Audio Messages

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The Benefit of Mercy
Psalm 103:6-13 | Sun, Jun 03, 2012 | Pastor Ken Schultz
In Today’s message in Psalm 103 we will look at the benefit of God’s Mercy. In God mercy He will bring Justice and Righteousness for all the oppressed. His righteousness and justice are expressed and fulfilled in Jesus showing mercy to us all on the cross. We are to be conduits of God’s righteousness and justice in our communities to bring God’s shalom to our city.
The Benefit of God's Authority
Psalm 103:14-19 | Sun, Jun 10, 2012 | Pastor Ken Schultz

In today’s message from Psalm 103 Pastor Ken shares the “Benefit of God’s Authority.” God’s authority protects us, powers us, direct us, and comforts us. In our culture today we believe in relative truth but God’s truth are absolute and provide great benefit for those that will bow to His truths.

The Benefit of Renewal
Psalm 103:1-5 | Sun, May 27, 2012 | Pastor Ken Schultz

In today’s message from psalm 103 Pastor Ken shares the benefits of a face to face friendship with Jesus. When we seek Him with all that is within us we get the benefits of forgiveness, healing, satisfaction, redemption and renewal. No matter what circumstance we find ourselves in we can have the eternal benefits of God who is the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow which brings joy to the worshiper.

Mercy for the margins
Luke 18:15-17 | Sun, Sep 17, 2023 | Pastor Ken Schultz

In Luke 18, Jesus is spotlighting the underdogs in his stories. In verses 15-17 Jesus is bringing kids into the picture. These days we often worship kids, we put them on a pedestal or even spoil them, but back in the day kids were treated like property with no rights. But there is more to this story, the gospel nudges us here to realize that we all start as newborns in our journey with Jesus.

Enter Into Mercy Through His Rest
Luke 6:1-5 | Sun, Jul 19, 2020 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Enter Into Mercy
Luke 5:33-39 | Sun, Jun 28, 2020 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Triumph through Trials
Luke 22:31-38 | Sun, Mar 09, 2025 | Pastor Ken Schultz

This message emphasizes that trials are an inevitable part of the Christian life, but through Christ, we can triumph over them. By placing our confidence in Christ rather than ourselves, we find peace, endurance, and purpose in our suffering.

Disciple Making - The pathway to Greatness
2 Timothy 2:1-10 | Sun, Mar 02, 2025 | Pastor Ken Schultz

This message emphasizes that true greatness in God's kingdom is achieved through disciple-making. Using 2 Timothy 2:1-10, the message highlights Paul's mentorship of Timothy as an example of how believers should invest in others to multiply disciples. The pathway to greatness is not about personal achievement but about surrendering to Christ, enduring hardships, and faithfully passing on the Gospel to future generations.

Rethinking Greatness
Luke 22:24-30 | Sun, Feb 23, 2025 | Pastor Ken Schultz

The world defines greatness through power, status, and personal achievement, but Jesus flips this concept by demonstrating that true greatness is found in servanthood and humility.

For You
Luke 22:16-23 | Sun, Feb 16, 2025 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Through the Last Supper, Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper as a reminder of His sacrifice, reinforcing that God’s love and salvation are available to all.

Passing over betrayal
Luke 22:1-6 | Sun, Feb 09, 2025 | Pastor Ken Schultz

This study explores the theme of betrayal. Betrayal is inevitable in life, often coming from those closest to us, but how we respond to it determines our spiritual well-being. Jesus exemplifies that forgiveness, rather than bitterness, leads to freedom, allowing us to trust in God rather than be enslaved by the fear of man.