Audio Messages

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Unwrapping Meaning
Luke 2:1-20 | Fri, Dec 21, 2018 | Pastor Ken Schultz
In today's message we unwrap a familiar story to find meaning for our lives today that gives us hope in a broken world through Jesus our savior.
Unwrapping Baby Jesus
Isaiah 9:6-7 | Sun, Dec 19, 2021 | Pastor Ken Schultz

God’s word is full of rules or commands which are boundaries meant to protect our lives and relationships. They are there to protect our relationship with God and our relationship with each other. God did not need to break the rules and He did not need use His authority of Lord over and control others, instead He served and loved people with His authority.

Unwrapping Purpose
John 18:33-37 | Sun, Dec 23, 2018 | Pastor John Stillman

What is the purpose of Christmas? Christmas means that there is truth — truth that everyone should believe. Jesus declared that He came as the key witness of this truth, and His followers testify to this truth, also. When Christ is in you, you will realize how much is at stake.

Unwrapping Sorrow
John 11:1-43 | Sun, Dec 16, 2018 | Pastor John Stillman

Maybe your sorrows feel especially heavy at this time of year. God has not abandoned you. Jesus understands what you are going through. With Christ in you, call on Jesus and take comfort in His nearness whenever you are hurting.

Unwrapping Commercialism
John 2:13-25 | Sun, Dec 09, 2018 | Pastor John Stillman

Jesus was not into commercialism, but somehow we have managed to commercialize His birth. How does a consumeristic approach to God kill worship? That's what this message is about as we "unwrap commercialism."

Unwrapping Relationship
John 14:12-23 | Sat, Dec 01, 2018 | Pastor John Stillman

Christmas is ultimately about unwrapping God's gift of Jesus Christ to the world and Christ in you! In this message, Pastor John looks at how Jesus brings us the blessing of prayer to our heavenly Father.

Triumph through Trials
Luke 22:31-38 | Sun, Mar 09, 2025 | Pastor Ken Schultz

This message emphasizes that trials are an inevitable part of the Christian life, but through Christ, we can triumph over them. By placing our confidence in Christ rather than ourselves, we find peace, endurance, and purpose in our suffering.

Disciple Making - The pathway to Greatness
2 Timothy 2:1-10 | Sun, Mar 02, 2025 | Pastor Ken Schultz

This message emphasizes that true greatness in God's kingdom is achieved through disciple-making. Using 2 Timothy 2:1-10, the message highlights Paul's mentorship of Timothy as an example of how believers should invest in others to multiply disciples. The pathway to greatness is not about personal achievement but about surrendering to Christ, enduring hardships, and faithfully passing on the Gospel to future generations.

Rethinking Greatness
Luke 22:24-30 | Sun, Feb 23, 2025 | Pastor Ken Schultz

The world defines greatness through power, status, and personal achievement, but Jesus flips this concept by demonstrating that true greatness is found in servanthood and humility.

For You
Luke 22:16-23 | Sun, Feb 16, 2025 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Through the Last Supper, Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper as a reminder of His sacrifice, reinforcing that God’s love and salvation are available to all.

Passing over betrayal
Luke 22:1-6 | Sun, Feb 09, 2025 | Pastor Ken Schultz

This study explores the theme of betrayal. Betrayal is inevitable in life, often coming from those closest to us, but how we respond to it determines our spiritual well-being. Jesus exemplifies that forgiveness, rather than bitterness, leads to freedom, allowing us to trust in God rather than be enslaved by the fear of man.