Audio Messages

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We can't feed all these people... that would only create dependency," said Jesus - never.
John 6:1-15 | Sun, Aug 14, 2016 | Pastor John Stillman
It was common to see crowds surrounding Jesus as He taught them, healed them, and cared for them. But the crowds didn't always see Jesus with eyes of faith for who He really is. In this message, Pastor John explores Jesus' miraculous feeding of an enormous crowd for insights on how we can step out of the crowd by faith and learn how to depend on Jesus.
"If you love me, you will share that Facebook post," said Jesus - never.
Matthew 28:18-20 | Sun, Aug 07, 2016 | Pastor John Stillman

These days, we want to know if people are the “real deal.” Likewise, you and I should be very concerned that people know that we are the “real deal” when it comes to being a follower of Jesus. In this message, Pastor John looks at what Jesus has to say about how we can demonstrate our love for Him - and His love for the world.

"Preach the Gospel at all times, but only use words if you have to," said Jesus - never.
Luke 14:15-24 | Sun, Jul 10, 2016 | Pastor John Stillman

The "fake commission" says we can be witnesses for Jesus without ever saying a word about the gospel. The Great Commission says that we are to actively use words in bringing others to Christ. Which are you practicing? In this message, Pastor John describes how we can be the kind of people who introduce men and women to Jesus as faithful witnesses.

"Just pray this prayer and invite me into your heart," said Jesus - never.
Luke 14:25-35 | Sat, Jul 23, 2016 | Pastor John Stillman

The call of discipleship is a call to trust Jesus enough to do what He says. In this message, Pastor John looks at the three terms of discipleship that Jesus gives to anyone who would follow Him.

"As long as you're sincere, I don't think it matters what you believe," said Jesus - never.
John 14:6 | Sun, Jul 17, 2016 | Pastor John Stillman

The world depends on standards of all sorts, like calendars, clocks, and tape measures. There is one other standard that is often ignored - the standard of Jesus Christ and His words. In this message, Pastor John talks about the objections to and implications of one of the most important things Jesus ever said.

"I have come that you might have your best life now," said Jesus - never.
John 10 | Sat, Jul 30, 2016 | Pastor John Stillman

One of the most broadly-accepted teachings in some churches today is Faith theology. But is it safe, or dangerous? In this message, Pastor John explores the history and background of the Faith movement and offers seven cautions, concerns, and objections.

I want to see Jesus feed the hungry
Mark 6:30-44 | Sun, Apr 28, 2019 | Pastor John Stillman

Life can be complicated, but Jesus knows what each of us needs. In this message, Pastor John looks at the miraculous feeding of 5,000 to see some lessons on how Jesus came to sort out our complications.

When God messes up your plans, Jesus is enough
Matthew 1:18-25 | Sun, Dec 11, 2016 | Pastor John Stillman

What do you say when God messes up your plans? The Christmas story is about God invading earth and messing up the plans of some pretty good people. In this message, Pastor John looks at Joseph's story to help us see that when God messes up your plans, Jesus is enough.

Title: Jesus Delivers us from Wrath
Exodus 11:1-11 | Sun, Mar 24, 2013 | Pastor John Stillman

Many people think of God in the Old Testament being a God of wrath, while God in the New Testament is a God of Love. In this message, Pastor John looks at what the Bible teaches, and how Jesus showed the best expression of God's love for us while enduring the worst of God's wrath in our place.

Jesus Delivers us from Idolatry
Genesis 12-14 | Sun, Feb 10, 2013 | Pastor John Stillman

Of all the people who have ever lived, one of the most important, other than Jesus himself, is pherhaps the man, Abraham. But rather than idolize this man and worship him as some do, we ought to turn our attention to see the transformation God made in his life and instead worship the Lord Jesus who transformed him. In this message, Pastor John walks through Abraham's deliverance from idolatry to treasuring Jesus as his reward.

Jesus Leads. I Follow.
Matthew 8:18-34 | Mon, Nov 15, 2010 | Pastor John Stillman

Many people are looking for a domesticated Jesus. A tame Jesus. A Jesus who will heal, and will also “heel.” In this message from Matthew, Pastor John challenges our thinking on how we often try to call Jesus to meet our needs, rather than being available to His call of missionary/military living.