Audio Messages

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Women on the Go
Luke 1:1-3:8 | Sun, May 09, 2021 | Pastor Ken Schultz
Topic: encouragement women mothers day followers of Christ
On Mother's Day, Pastor is sharing the important roles women played in the Bible and their support to our Lord Jesus Christ. This message stresses the importance that we are more than our gender and all alike as brothers and sisters in the eyes of God.
Enter into Encouragement
Luke 7:18-23 | Sun, Apr 11, 2021 | Pastor Ken Schultz

We need to trust in the Lord forever because he is our rock and our refuge. God took away our sin and gave us his righteousness. God is our refuge from sin and death. We receive His encouragement through this and need to live in His promise of eternal life.

Enter Into God's Pleasure
Luke 3:21-37 | Sun, Feb 09, 2020 | Pastor Ken Schultz

The world can be a discouraging place sometimes. We all need a place acceptance and encouragement and we can have that anytime through Jesus Christ with our Father In Heaven who loves us not base on our performance but base on our identity in Him.

Triumph through Trials
Luke 22:31-38 | Sun, Mar 09, 2025 | Pastor Ken Schultz

This message emphasizes that trials are an inevitable part of the Christian life, but through Christ, we can triumph over them. By placing our confidence in Christ rather than ourselves, we find peace, endurance, and purpose in our suffering.

Prayer, Passion, Purpose
Luke 19:41-47 | Sun, Apr 28, 2024 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Jesus emphasized the importance of all creation praising the Lord. We should first have a burden for the welfare of others and be active in the spreading of the message of Jesus Christ.

Faithful in little
Luke 19:11-26 | Sun, Apr 21, 2024 | Pastor Ken Schultz

The parable in Luke 19 about the ten minas speaks about the second coming of Jesus Christ. This parable teaches us that we are accountable to do something with the Grace that He gives us. In this message we examine this parable to learn what the Lord expects from those who follow Him.

Mercy for the margins
Luke 18:15-17 | Sun, Sep 17, 2023 | Pastor Ken Schultz

In Luke 18, Jesus is spotlighting the underdogs in his stories. In verses 15-17 Jesus is bringing kids into the picture. These days we often worship kids, we put them on a pedestal or even spoil them, but back in the day kids were treated like property with no rights. But there is more to this story, the gospel nudges us here to realize that we all start as newborns in our journey with Jesus.

True Life Preserver
Luke 17:26-37:0 | Sun, Jul 23, 2023 | Pastor Ken Schultz

The subject of the text in Luke 17:26-37 is very difficult. It speaks about what the condition of the world will be like when God comes back to bring His final judgement, but because Jesus loves us so much He wants us to be ready for that day, He tells us the truth even when it is uncomfortable.

This Little Light of Mine is Great!
Luke 11:33-36 | Sun, Apr 24, 2022 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Shine your light onto others. When you believe in Christ and you follow His ways you have a strong inner light that radiates to the outside.

Abiding in True Blessedness
Luke 11:24-28 | Sun, Mar 27, 2022 | Pastor Ken Schultz

When we cast darkness out of our lives we need to make sure to keep our hearts and lives full of love and our commitment in faith to Jesus Christ. Being full of the love He has for us keeps any evil from trying to come back into our lives.

Go Fish
Luke 9:1-6 | Sun, Jul 11, 2021 | Pastor Ken Schultz

This is fishing or the drawing into God’s kingdom design of love for him, others, and self: If calling Jesus Lord, you are a disciple and following and fishing is what disciples of Jesus do. Everything we do as church should be about those two things. When I disciple someone each week I ask them the accountability questions how is following and how is fishing? You should be asking yourself the same thing each day as His disciple. Am I seeking to love God and put Him first, Am I loving and caring for others, am I caring for myself?