Audio Messages

Jesus Delivers us from Darkness
Genesis 1:1-5 | Sun, Jan 06, 2013 | Pastor John Stillman

Genesis was written as a theological narrative to reveal the God of Creation. Consequently, the question of origins has implications on everything. In this sermon, Pastor John shows how the Creation sets the stage for the coming of Jesus, who brings light and life to the world.

Jesus Delivers us from Isolation
Genesis 2:15-18 | Sun, Jan 13, 2013 | Pastor John Stillman

The Bible says we came from perfection and were made for perfection. We were made as mirrors to reflect God's image, but sin has broken the mirror so that we reflect His image poorly. Jesus came to glue the mirror back together.

Jesus Delivers us from the Curse
Genesis 3:0 | Sun, Jan 20, 2013 | Pastor John Stillman

Sin brought many unintended consequences to our first parents - consequences which have been passed down to all of humanity. But there is hope! In this sermon, Pastor John looks at how Jesus brings deliverance from the curse of sin and promises to bring us into a new Heaven and new Earth where life is restored to how God intended it.

Jesus Delivers us from Death
Genesis 4-5 | Sun, Jan 27, 2013 | Pastor John Stillman

In the early pages of Gensis, we see the creation and divergence of two family lines, two branches, two cultures - a culture of liife and a culture of death. In this message, Pastor John applies the principles of Genesis 4-5 to the issue of abortion, and how Jesus alone can transfer us from death to life.

Jesus Delivers us from Destruction
Genesis 6-9 | Sun, Feb 03, 2013 | Pastor John Stillman

During Noah’s time, the thoughts and the hearts of men were only wicked all the time. This did not exclude Noah, who was a sinful man just like everyone else. But Noah received favor and grace from God. In this message, Pastor John shares how God is grieved by sin, is patient with us -wanting all to reach repentance, and provides us with His grace that saves us from judgment and changes us.

Jesus Delivers us from Idolatry
Genesis 12-14 | Sun, Feb 10, 2013 | Pastor John Stillman

Of all the people who have ever lived, one of the most important, other than Jesus himself, is pherhaps the man, Abraham. But rather than idolize this man and worship him as some do, we ought to turn our attention to see the transformation God made in his life and instead worship the Lord Jesus who transformed him. In this message, Pastor John walks through Abraham's deliverance from idolatry to treasuring Jesus as his reward.

Jesus Delivers us from Unbelief
Genesis 22:1-18 | Sun, Feb 17, 2013 | Pastor John Stillman

Hebrews 11:6 says that "without faith, it is impossible to please God." Faith is important to our lives, but there are times that circumstances and tests of faith can cause us to waver. In this message, Pastor John looks at the most significant test of faith in all of Scripture, which reveals some treasured truths about what it means to believe.

Jesus Delivers Us From Our Sin
Genesis 39 | Sun, Feb 24, 2013 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Our sin and the sin of others creates much distruction in our lives. Jesus Delivers us from our sin and gives us strategies to life peaceful and productive lives.

Jesus Delivers us from Hate
Genesis 37 | Sun, Mar 03, 2013 | Pastor John Stillman

Genesis is FILLED with stories of badly handled relationships. In this last message from the book of Genesis, Pastor John looks at one of the worst - how Joseph's brothers hatefully treated him - and how we can be delivered from hate.

Jesus delivers us from Oppression
Exodus 1-3 | Sun, Mar 10, 2013 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Jesus sees our suffering, He hears our cryies, knows our pain, and comes down to lead us from oppression into new life.