Audio Messages

Pastor Ken Schultz
Entered Into Religion
Luke 1:5-25 | Sun, Dec 08, 2019 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Do you believe? Or do you just have a religion? Religion is often about what we can control but faith is trusting in what we can't control. Today we see God enter into a religious man's life to prepare his heart for true faith.

Entered Into History
Luke 1:1-4 | Sun, Dec 01, 2019 | Pastor Ken Schultz

We are saved by the story of Jesus! But is the story true? Today in the message we look at the evidence provided by Luke that His story is true! For in Jesus' true story we are saved.

Simply Sowing
Mark 4:1-20 | Sun, Nov 10, 2019 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Our job as disciples of Jesus is to sow. Yet often, fear stops us! But if we hear Jesus in His parable, we will find out it is not about our ability as sower but the soil the good seed lands in it and brings transformation. Knowing this should take away our fear, so we may Simply Sow.

At Your Word
Luke 5:1-11 | Sun, Nov 03, 2019 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Jesus came to start a movement of the Gospel so that we might become the church. But instead, we just come to church. In today's message Pastor Ken shares how we can create a movement of the Gospel in our generation if we will drop the net at Jesus's word. What youtube video below before listening to the message and it will make more sense.

A Kind Relationship
1 John 3:17-18 | Sun, Oct 20, 2019 | Pastor Ken Schultz

We all know we should be kind to one another but that is not always easy. But the gospel of Jesus makes it possible. As we look at what He has done for us we can lay down our lives for one another.

A Full Relationship
1 John 3:11-16 | Sun, Oct 13, 2019 | Pastor Ken Schultz

We all know we should love each other. But what makes it so difficult? In today's message, we learn that we accept the love we already have we will be able to give love to others.

A Transforming Relationship
1 John 3:7-10 | Sun, Oct 06, 2019 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Jesus did not come to make our lives better He came to make us into something new. The good news is in Christ sin is dying in you because Jesus came to destroy our sin.

A Purifying Relationship
1 John 3:2-5 | Sun, Sep 29, 2019 | Pastor Ken Schultz

We all struggle with a common problem in our lives. We all have sin that creates brokenness in our lives. So we need a purifying relationship that daily restores us.

A Secure Relationship
1 John 4:1 | Sun, Sep 22, 2019 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Many of our relationships in life can leave us feeling insecure but there is one relationship in which we can base our hope and our trust always.

A Confident Relationship
1 John 2:28-29 | Sun, Sep 15, 2019 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Where does your confidence come from? If it is based on what people think of you then you will often lose confidence but if we focus on God's love for us our confidence will remain.