Audio Messages

Overcoming Conflict
Overcoming Conflict
When all else fails.
| Sun, Mar 12, 2017 | Pastor John Stillman

When you've tried to take the steps to resolve conflict but it's still there, what do you do? What do you do when all else fails? In this message, Pastor John looks at what Scripture has to say about moving ahead and leaving the conflict in the past.

We can work it out.
Philemon | Sun, Mar 05, 2017 | Pastor John Stillman

Usually, conflict can be resolved through personal peacemaking - a one-on-one conversation between you and the other person resolves it. But, there are times when more help is needed. In this message, Pastor John looks at the process of assisted peacemaking as it is modeled for us in the New Testament letter of Philemon.

How to say you're sorry.
| Sun, Feb 26, 2017 | Pastor John Stillman

“I’m sorry.” Just two words, and sometimes very difficult to say. But if you’ve ever begun a conversation with those two words, there is a lot of promise in them too, because those words open the door to overcoming conflict. In this message we'll focus on learning how to say "I'm sorry" with some very practical words from Scripture.

How to Forgive
| Sun, Feb 19, 2017 | Pastor John Stillman

The Christian life is harder than the non-Christian life because people will hurt you and you don't get to turn around and treat them the same way. Instead, followers of Jesus are to forgive and reconcile. In this message, Pastor John walks us through the steps to get to the place of forgiveness and reconciliation.

Don't find fault. Find a remedy.
Matthew 18:15-20 | Sun, Feb 12, 2017 | Pastor John Stillman

Conflict brings both bad opportunities and good. The bad side is when we try to escape conflict or attach others in response to it. The good side is when we use the peacemaking steps that Jesus gave us in Matthew 18:15-20. In today's message, Pastor John addresses the first practical steps of peacemaking.

Conflict is Inevitable
| Sun, Feb 05, 2017 | Pastor John Stillman

There is a great deal of conflict in our world right now, but this is not really anything new. Conflict is an inevitable fact of life in this world. God's aim is not for us to be completely free of conflict, but to resolve our conflicts using the wisdom and ways that He has provided. In this message, Pastor John reviews responses to conflict that are peace faking and peace breaking, before we see God's great peace making response.