Audio Messages

Pastor Ken Schultz
Are You Full?
Philippians 4:11-13 | Mon, Dec 01, 2008 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Are you full? Contentment is something that is often very absent in our modern lives and yet is the key to lasting joy. You can know true contentment and peace today in the person of Jesus Christ. This message in Philippians 4:11-13 the Apostle share what he has learned about the secret of contentment.

Stressing Out
Matthew 6:25-34 | Mon, Sep 22, 2008 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Are the worries of life stressing you out? In today’s message we see that worry comes from the unmet needs in our lives or the possibility of our needs not being met in the future. In Matthew Chapter 6 Jesus help us sort out the priorities of life and helps us discover what our needs truly are. Our modern life produces all kind of stress but Jesus g ave us the answers 2000 years ago for peace.

Judging Others
Luke 6:37-42 | Mon, Sep 15, 2008 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Jesus says do not “Judge.” And while most of us agree we do not like to be judged by others we tend to “judge” others. In this message we explore four reasons why Jesus asks us to stop judging our neighbors and how by doing so we will be blessed.

Ground Breaking Jesus "Seeds of Conflict"
Matthew 18:1-35 | Mon, Apr 07, 2008 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Jesus teaches his disciples about humility and conflict resolutions within the family of God. Jesus also teaches about how we should display the Godly character of forgiveness in our lives towards those that have hurt us. Being unforgiving hardens our hearts, but through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross we can learn how to forgive others.

Ground Breaking Jesus
Mark 4:1-20 | Mon, Mar 31, 2008 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Jesus’ teaching is ground breaking. Often we think of ground breaking ideas as something new, but things that are truly ground breaking are things that bring change that is so dramatic that everything is new. Jesus is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow. Yet when he and his teachings penetrate the depths of our hearts, everything is made new.