Do not be anxious you are not forgotten and God cares for you!
Jesus knows what is true in our hearts. Do not be a hypocrite and judge others. Instead share the Gospel and reflect on how you can continue to share God's love.
Be fair to all people and love God with an honest heart. Do not cast judgement onto others.
We need to be real with God because He knows the motivations of our hearts.
Shine your light onto others. When you believe in Christ and you follow His ways you have a strong inner light that radiates to the outside.
He has risen! Celebrate the resurrection of Jesus!
Celebration of Jesus is the true way of life, and all of your life is worship. Failing to worship Him leaves you more dead than a stone.
We do not need to look for signs to prove God is here for us or His love for us. God gives us miracles daily and it is up to us to have faith and see these gifts from Him.
When we cast darkness out of our lives we need to make sure to keep our hearts and lives full of love and our commitment in faith to Jesus Christ. Being full of the love He has for us keeps any evil from trying to come back into our lives.
Have faith in the Gospel and that God gives us miracles everyday and sets us free from the darkness.