Audio Messages

Pastor Ken Schultz
Candlelight Carols- Christmas Celebration 2021
Matthew 1:1-15 | Fri, Dec 17, 2021 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Merry Broken Christmas. We can come back from brokenness. God loves us so much and always wants us to return to Him. When we repent and believe, we can recover and pursue God's never ending love for us.

Unto Us
Isaiah 9:1-6 | Sun, Dec 12, 2021 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Island of Misfit Toys
James 5:16 | Sun, Nov 28, 2021 | Pastor Ken Schultz

The reality is we are all a little broken, but most of the time we try to hide it. So if you feel like a misfit in this world, Crosswinds is a place for you.

I Tell You
Luke 11:5-13 | Sun, Nov 21, 2021 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Ask and you will receive. God will send His Holy spirit to you if you ask. We will see God's goodness when we ask. Seek God's grace and mercy daily, and He will give us life and joy because He is our good father.

Prayer- More Than an Emoji
Luke 11:1-4 | Sun, Nov 14, 2021 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Pray with sincerity and with true love for God, our Savior. Practice and learn to forgive not only others, but ourselves from past mistakes. Desire not to sin against our Father. Pray proactively that we may not sin against God. He has promised us forgiveness and everlasting life. Turn from your sin and trust what God has done for you.

Good Portion
Luke 10:38-42 | Sun, Nov 07, 2021 | Pastor Ken Schultz

We all have a story and can learn from our sin. Things in life will change, but one thing that will always remain is God's love for us and that is something to celebrate forever.

What Shall I Do?
Luke 10:25-37 | Sun, Oct 24, 2021 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Live in God's image which is love. Jesus is our Samaritan and he repairs our broken hearts.

What Does God Rejoice In?
Luke 10:21-24 | Sun, Oct 17, 2021 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Today come join His team! That you may rejoice with Him forever! Turn from your sin and believe in Him. Rejoice is in His love for you! Rejoice in His plan to save you and the world! Rejoice that He has made you part of that plan!

Luke 10:17-20 | Sun, Oct 10, 2021 | Pastor Ken Schultz

You don't win in battles of metrics, you win in His love! You win turning to the place He has always wanted you to be since before the foundation of the world, a loved son or daughter of God be who you were meant to be- loved. Can you simply turn to Him and rest in that today and be His church!

Luke 10:3-10 | Sun, Oct 03, 2021 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Be a sent son or daughter that does His work in the world so that none He loves and died for perishes. If you reject His love you will perish. Admit your sin, turn from it and believe in Him! Follow Jesus and let Him send you into the world.