Audio Messages

Pastor Ken Schultz
Blind Spot Pt. 2
John 9:1-41 | Fri, Nov 25, 2016 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Are you a bird dog or a life guard? Today Jesus, through the eyes of a blind beggar, will help us to see clearly our role as His disciples when we depend on Him to give us eyes to see the suffering of others.

Blind Spot
Matthew 7:1-6 | Sun, Nov 13, 2016 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Do you have blind spots? We all have physical blind spots, but we also have spiritual blind spots. Those blind spots can make others run off the road with us relationally. Jesus teaches us in Matthew 7:1-6 how to deal with spiritual blind spots. In these turbulent times, following His direction can help us be effective and not hurtful as we bring the gospel to others.

True Belief - From Desire to Dependance
2 Samuel 11:1-12:14 | Sun, Sep 04, 2016 | Pastor Ken Schultz

In Today’s message we look at the not so love story of David and Bathsheba, and learn to turn our hearts from false idols like sex to the true desire of our heart, the Lord Jesus Christ.

True Belief - From Religion to Relationship
Acts 9:1-19 | Sun, Aug 28, 2016 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Today we see God’s mercy in bringing us to repentance as we look at the testimony of the Apostle Paul and how he changed from a persecutor of Christians into a useful instrument in God’s hand. Listen to His word today and be changed through His mercy and love - even to stubborn oxen like you and me!

True Belief - Delusion to Reality
Daniel 4 | Sun, Aug 21, 2016 | Pastor Ken Schultz

We move from delusion to reality when we change our mind about who is really in charge of our lives. In this message, learn about a king who thought He was God. God had to educate him by His mercy and through a trial so he would understand who the Most High truly is. Please listen today and learn from the king's mistake so you don’t have to repeat it.

A Place of Strength
Psalm 46 | Sun, Jul 03, 2016 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Control! We all do it in different ways in our relationships with each other and even with God. Control is not love! When we learn to love instead of control we experience a place of true strength! In today's message from Psalm 46, learn the power of surrender!

A Place of Refuge
Psalm 46 | Sun, Jun 26, 2016 | Pastor Ken Schultz

What is your biggest problem? Is it anxiety? There is hope! Come find a safe place, come and find strength. Listen to this message and discover the hope in psalm 46 and be free of fear! I know you are afraid to listen. Do it anyway so you may live a life in God’s abundant peace even in the midst of trouble.

Walking By Grace
Matthew 26:26-29 | Sun, May 29, 2016 | Pastor Ken Schultz

It was once said “I don’t know who discovered water but it probably was not a fish.” Sometimes words can be so common place we miss the depth of their meaning. Every word of Jesus is significant and sometimes His words become so common place around church we need to rediscover their meaning so we don’t miss their richness as we recite them. In today’s message, we will look deeply into Jesus words, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.” There is an ocean of meaning in these words come swim in it with me!

Deuteronomy 11:1-27 | Mon, May 02, 2016 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Salvation is by grace, through faith in Jesus, apart from the law. But what is the promise of the law? In today’s message, learn of the temporal blessing that come from obeying God and following His ways. As believer, we must not mock God in the way we live, and we must watch our life and our doctrine to love Him and bring Him glory!

Walking by Faith
Genesis 15 | Sun, Apr 24, 2016 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Do you believe in God or do you believe God? If you believe God it will change your identity and your eternity. In today’s message learn how God grew a man of faith!