Audio Messages

Pastor Ken Schultz
First Love
Revelation 2:1-7 | Sun, Jul 16, 2017 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Has your love for Jesus grown cold? This is a dangerous place for a church to be in. Without love you really don’t have a lasting church according to Jesus. In today’s message from Revelation 2, Jesus tells us what needs to happen to restore love: Remember His love, Repent the things you abandoned Him for, and Return to the works you did when you first fell in love with Him.

Maintaining Gladness
Psalm 16:7-11 | Sun, Jun 04, 2017 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Discover Gladness
Psalm 16:1-6 | Sat, May 27, 2017 | Pastor Ken Schultz

In we today’s message we learn how to have a glad heart. It is not based on our emotions but on truth the of God’s steadfast love and mercy. In psalm 16 King David shares how to have a glad heart even during trial.

Oh Listen
Psalm 95 | Sun, Mar 26, 2017 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Sometimes what we think of as sin is not necessary what grieves God’s heart the most. God want us to listen to Him and sing His praises, yet often what is most on our lips in grumbling and complaining. Jesus never complained and because of that, if we believe in Him, God has no more complaint about us for our sin. We can live a life of praise.

Oh Come
Psalm 95 | Sun, Mar 19, 2017 | Pastor Ken Schultz

God has invited you to worship Him. Will you accept or reject that invitation? In today’s message we look at Psalm 95, God’s invitation to worship Him, and what means to really come and worship Him!

Fierce Love
John 17:1-5 | Wed, Feb 01, 2017 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Jesus was a man! No big revelation huh! Or is it? In today’s message we will be talking about what we can learn about manhood from Jesus. He had fierce love for His father and for all of us, and was willing to battle sin and death for us! Men, let’s follow Him into glory!

Set Ablaze
John 16:31-33 | Sun, Jan 22, 2017 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Do you have trouble in your life? Don’t worry, it was promised! You can find peace in it. It has a purpose. Lastly, you don’t have to fear it will end in victory. In today’s message we learn what Jesus has to say about trouble.

Burning Through Sorrow
John 16:13-22 | Mon, Jan 16, 2017 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Do you avoid sorrow? Most people have all kinds of strategies to avoid it. Jesus teaches us that sorrow is a reality and to embrace sorrow and let him turn it into joy!

Stirring the Embers
John 16:7-20 | Sun, Jan 08, 2017 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Stoking spiritual fire in our hearts takes the Holy Spirit stirring the coals of the church by convincing us of sin, and blowing in the fresh oxygen of grace at the same time by convincing us of the goodness of Christ to sinners. In addition, we must be convinced of judgement and that it is placed on Him so that we may go free and fight our sin from victory, not for victory.

John 15-16 | Sun, Jan 01, 2017 | Pastor Ken Schultz

Does the fire of your faith need to be stoked so that it does not grow cold? In today’s message we look at the role of the Holy Spirit as oxygen stoking our fire while He lives in us through the power of Jesus' words as we abide in Him!